It seems like yesterday when we launched Brook of Hope Ministry! I can't believe that 5 years have passed. That's how quickly time flies.

Whenever June comes, my mind goes back to the sessions of praying, dreaming, and planning for the launch of this ministry.

As we were waiting, planning, and praying, one thing was very certain: the Lord Jesus Christ was leading us to plant a church through which He would inspire and equip people to live full lives that glorify Him. We had no option but to obey Him.

On Friday, the 28th of June, 2019, we had our first public worship evening. It was a moment of excitement and risk—excitement due to starting a new ministry and risk because we didn't fully know how it would run. We committed it all to the Lord. Six months after starting, we were forced to close due to the COVID-19 lockdown. We didn't know if the church would survive, but we trusted the Lord Jesus for its survival.

We reopened after 8 months and operated for another 7 months until we were forced to close again for about 8 months due to the second COVID-19 lockdown. We entrusted the whole process to the Lord, the very initiator and owner of the ministry. We officially reopened in November 2021 and have since operated without any interruption. We bless the Lord.

Throughout the five years of our existence, the Lord Jesus Christ has shown Himself very faithful. We have seen Him save, heal, deliver, and transform people from different walks of life. Our confidence in Him has grown more! We believe that in the coming years, Uganda, Africa, and the world will experience a deep and genuine move of the Spirit of God that will bring a holistic transformation of lives and communities.

As we give thanks to God for what He has done in the past 5 years, we renew our commitment to Him and His work. We greatly appreciate those vessels that have accepted to be used by the Lord to advance His work in the last five years. We lovingly call on many more people to partner with us as we continue to inspire and equip people to live full lives that glorify our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

In the Lord Jesus Christ's Service,

Bwengye Singahakye

Lead Shepherd, Brook of Hope Ministries